If you're new to vintage bear collecting, you may wish to think about which particular type you find the most appealing. A shelf-full of modern and antique, standard sized and miniature vintage bears will look a bit of a mish mash, whereas a small collection, of similar size and from the same period, will compliment one another. You may be drawn to the teddy bear brands of your childhood on a nostalgic level, or the exclusivity of antique bears. Perhaps the decadence of the Steiff appeals to you, or the quirkiness of Care Bears. The key is: collect what you love. If you decide later that you want to branch out (and you probably will!), you can always start another collection!
1. Condition
Significant damage will compromise the value of your teddy bear, and possibly your enjoyment of him too. It's far better to pay more for damage-free teddy, than one who has very obviously been through the wars! Of course, vintage bears will show some signs of age. A well-loved teddy may have a bald snout, his fur rubbed away by a thousand goodnight kisses! If your antique teddy bear has clothes, these may have yellowed a little or faded. Do not be tempted to clean the clothes of an antique bear yourself - it may do much more harm than good. Stiff joints, worn pads and missing eyes can be fixed by an expert, though it is worth bearing in mind that serious collectors are looking for teddies with original features. If your antique teddy has no clothes and is a touch on the bald side, it may be time to get him an outfit and give him a new lease of life!
2. Authenticity
We're all familiar with the renowned Steiff buttons and dream of stumbling across the perfect teddy with one of those in his ear! Many teddy makers got into the habit of marking their bears, either with a button or label somewhere on the body, and this can be a good indication of authenticity. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that many parents saw these appendages as hazards to little hands and mouths, or just found them unsightly. Often, these little indicators have long since been removed, though it is worth checking for traces - an indentation in the ear, a sliver of label in a seam - these telltale signs are key. The serious teddy collector may wish to invest in a book so that they may learn what other attributes to look for, e.g. face and body shape, colour or material of the eyes and nose, etc. If in doubt, ask! There are fakes on the antique teddy bear market, and the maxim 'caveat emptor' holds as well here as anywhere else. If the vendor can provide documentary evidence or photographs as evidence of authenticity, you'll want him to pass these on to you at point of sale. If you come to part with your teddy in the future, such evidence is highly prized by collectors and will help you attain a better price. It is also useful for insurance purposes.
3. Scarcity
It often follows that the lower the number produced, the more highly prized the vintage bear.
4. Age
It usually follows that the older the teddy bear, the more sought after he'll be by collectors and the higher the price Ted will achieve! Antique teddy bears produced before World War I are generally the most valuable. There are, however, exceptions to every rule. Louis Vuitton made a small number of bears in 2000 fetching as much as £130,000 when they went under the hammer.
5. Size
It often follows that the bigger the teddy, the higher its value.
6. Expression
It is usually the case that the happier the teddy bear appears, the more sought after he will be. Other factors must be taken into consideration, however. Sussenguth's Peter teddies are open mouthed and snarling - far from happy bears! Parents were put off because these bears frightened their children. This led to the line being quickly discontinued, bringing us back to the issue of rarity. Despite their fierce expressions, these bears are much in demand now because of their exclusivity.
7. Accessories
Antique teddies which come with their features intact and, if clothed, with their original garments, are much more sought after. If they come complete with original accessories, e.g. jewellery or hats - even the box- so much the better as far as the teddy bear collector is concerned.
Lindsay Coope
The great news is that if you shop online for Vintage Bears or for Vintage Soft Toys you can find unbeatable deals at great prices!
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