Monday, June 13, 2011

How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight and Get a Bikini Belly?

Who among us doesn't crave a svelte, bikini ready body?

Truth be told if were easy we'd all have one, right?

But we both know it's not. Easy that is. Which is why the burning question that often pops into the heads of those eager to slim down is "How long does it take to lose weight?" And for most the answer is not fast enough.

Which is a problem. Since increasingly sedentary lifestyles and eating habits that can at best be described as poor make it easy for waistlines to expand as you pack on the fat.

But sooner or later you finally reach a point when you simply must shed those unwanted pounds.

At that moment a sense of urgency sets in. Not only do you want to shed some pounds - you want to do it like yesterday. Hence the "how long" question.

Yet stop to think for a moment. All that weight did not show up overnight, now did it? Nor was it added on in just a few days or weeks or months for that matter. So does it make sense then to count on fast weight loss? Probably not.

Still logical or not, we want what we want when we want it. And will try all sorts of ways to get it - healthy or not.

Which might be why is some turn to fasting to lose weight fast.

Fasting is not smart however. Since it ultimately slows down your overall metabolism. And when this happens the number of calories your body burns is slashed. Besides do you know what you are losing by fasting? It's surely not fat. No, you're losing water and muscle. But since muscle tissue is what uses the most calories less muscle mass means fewer calories burned.

So you can forget fasting.

Fad diets can also help you to lose weight fast. In fact you might just lose a lot of weight in a matter of days. This is why the likes of the cabbage soup or grapefruit diet are so popular. They are almost surefire ways to lose weight quick too. But they suffer the same drawbacks as fasting. Plus you not only lose weight fast, you are likely to gain it back and then some, only faster.

Hmmm. Don't know about you, but fad dieting of any sort sure seems to be the wrong choice as a fast weight loss program.

Okay but can't diet pills help you shed weight quickly? Well, I'd be lying if I said no. In fact some marketers of these little wonders would have you believe they are wonder drugs. Which is about right. Because sooner or later you will likely begin wondering what were you were thinking when you turned to them for fast weight loss.

So looks like pills are out as a long term solution too.

Now one approach that does work is counting calories. Yes, you're right. BORING. Not to mention mind numbing. Plus counting calories involves math and it's definitely not fast. But...once you get the hang of it you may find your weight loss plan actually begins to work. So much so you might say losing weight becomes (almost) easy.

That's because there is actual science behind this approach.

You see, once you know the number of calories your body needs - you cut out the excess. Easier said than done I know. But cutting just 500 calories a day works out to a 3500 calories a week deficit. Such a calorie deficit results in the loss of one pound every week.

Also keep in mind that most any weight loss tips or diet will ultimately fail if you fail to exercise.

Yes, I know most of us loathe anything that requires sweating. Especially in public. But there is really no way around it.

Besides, exercise doesn't have to mean overexertion in over stretched spandex. At least not if you're into walking.

Walking is definitely one of the best forms of exercise going. It may not exactly turn you into a fat burning machine. But it works 90% of the muscles in your body and what more can you ask of a workout?

So a brisk one hour walk early in the morning will help you lose weight.

Just don't jump into something of that duration if the most walking you've done it back and forth to the refrig during Desperate Housewives. Start out with a short walk with the goal of working up to an hour five times a week.

Such a program can really help with that calorie deficit we're looking for too.

Anyway, as you can see the answer to how long does it take to lose weight is a question that's not easily answered. It can be quick and short lived based on fad diets and pills. Or you can take it slow and steady and enjoy a more permanent weight loss. The choice is yours. Oh and do it right and that bikini belly could be yours too.

Give your diet the chance it deserves to succeed. You're worth it right? Find out how to dramatically increase your weight loss results plus learn the truth about many of the most popular diets going. For example why not discover the pros and cons of the say the Aktin's Diet for yourself?

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