Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Say Goodbye to Making Excuses About Your Weight Loss, Losing Weight, Exercise & Dieting

Being able to decide on a weight loss goal and achieve it with little problem is an admirable quality: it shows determination, willpower, strength and a sense of being in control of one's own destiny. It's a rare quality, however, because there are many people out there who can visualize their goals but whose path to achieving it is blocked by numerous, seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

You know you want to lose weight - you know you need to lose weight - but how many of us have tried and failed on many occasions? How many of us have said any one of the following?

I've tried to lose weight but I just put it all back on again I must have a slow metabolism I love my food too much to lose weight I don't have time to cook proper meals I don't have time to exercise I can't understand why I don't lose weight - I don't eat the wrong things I can't understand why I'm this weight My weight is hereditary I don't want to go to the gym - it's too embarassing I don't have enough willpower I've got a sweet tooth and I have to have chocolate / biscuits / sweets / cakes

Any of this sound familiar? Well, it's time to get tough and face the facts. If you eat healthily and exercise, you will lose weight - unless for some reason you and you alone defy the laws of physics. The reason you haven't yet lost weight is because you haven't done it right, not because of any external factors outside of your control. Maybe you followed a 'fad' diet (which is doomed to failure), maybe you lied to yourself about the amount of food you ate or the amount of exercise that you did, maybe you just didn't do any exercise, maybe you ate the wrong things, or maybe you just made too many excuses about why you wouldn't lose weight so you didn't even bother trying.

If you want to lose weight, you need to change the way you think and the starting point is to remember that making excuses won't make you slim, it won't prolong your life, and it won't improve your confidence. You are responsible for whether or not you lose weight because it's not down to anyone or anything else.

So instead of the reasons why not, start thinking about the reasons why. Ask yourself a few simple questions:

How important is losing weight at the moment? Does your weight affect your life in any way? Does the state of your health worry you at all?

Answering these questions will help you remember why you want to lose weight in the first place and then you can move on to thinking about what changes you need to make to your life in order to help you achieve your goals. Remember that losing weight isn't easy: it requires willpower, determination and commitment. You won't succeed if you fall back on your ready-made excuses every time you feel down, hungry, bored, or you can't be bothered to do that exercise you promised yourself you'd do after work ....

But be realistic - losing weight isn't about punishment, it's about making yourself feel better. If you want to skip a gym session one day, just go for a walk instead; if you want a pig-out night don't beat yourself up over it, just do a bit more exercise the next week to make up for it.

So look forward to the long-term goals of being fitter, healthier, slimmer and more self-confident...all because you had the courage to say goodbye to your excuses and take responsibility for your life.

For more details on the above article visit our original article at Say Goodbye to Making Excuses [http://www.watchingusloseweight.com/post/Say-Goodbye-to-Making-Excuses.aspx] About Your Weight Loss & Exercise.

To view our blog about losing weight and how we are trying to do it visit www.watchingusloseweight.com [http://www.watchingusloseweight.com] Simply losing weight through diet control and exercise.

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