Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weight Loss - Lose Weight and Live Longer

The physical health effects and the emotional impact of being overweight, not only for the individuals, but for all those that love them, are well-known. Therefore, it is useful to take a look at the large number of factual benefits of loosing weight and keeping it down.

Weight loss does not simply have to do with just looking slim or able to fit into your swimming suit this summer. There are numerous health advantages by keeping your weight in check.

Losing just 10% body weight will help you not only feel better about your self but also notice increased energy, less pains and aches, better easier breathing and an easier time getting around. Correct body weight ensures that your heart is not having to work harder to ensure adequate blood supply to the body. If you aren't carrying around those extra kilos, your heart can work more efficiently. Additionally weight loss will help in the lowering of blood pressure and decrease the risk of a heart attack.

Studies shown that is highly likely for overweight people to develop Type II diabetes. The condition requires, for many of individuals, the use of medication to keep it in control. Some weight loss could help to get your diabetes under control and even discontinue diabetic medication. I f you are free from Type II diabetes the loss of several kilograms will help you to significantly decrease the likelihood of developing the condition.

Studies also shown that following a sensible weight loss program with a weight loss diet that aims to promote good health will as well help lessen the chance of your getting some types of cancer associated with obesity in women such as cancer of the colon, cervix, ovary and breast or prostate, rectum and colon cancer in men

De generative joint disease such as arthritis can be helped and their symptoms minimized, with weight loss. Arthritis affects the joints in the body and any excess body weight promotes the acceleration of joint damage.

Gout another type of arthritis is more common with overweight people than those who maintain a healthy weight, it forms due to high levels of uric acid, crystal masses that get deposited in the joints. Losing weight will decrease the chances of suffering gout.

It is obvious from the few examples above that weight loss has a lot more to do with your over all health including emotional health than just looking good.

For more insights and additional information please visit our web site at []

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