Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How To Lose Weight Fast

If you have been trying to lose weight and are struggling, know that you aren't alone. Weight loss is never easy, regardless of whether you're a Hollywood superstar or a mother of three in Ohio. Here are some great tips to help you slim down and lose weight fast.

First, realize that weight loss isn't rocket science. It's simple math. If you want to lose weight, you need to burn off more calories in a day than you consume. Find a website that calculates your basal metabolic rate.

Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories you'd burn if you did absolutely nothing but stay in bed all day. It is adjusted for your height, age and activity level to give you a personalized number of calories you need per day.

Now that you know how many calories your body needs to survive, figure out how many calories you eat each day. Many websites allow you to keep a journal of the foods you eat. Some even count your calories, carbs, sodium and other nutritional facts for you. As a rule, write down everything you put in your mouth. Even if you only take a bite, keep track of it.

Then, compare how your basal metabolic rate compares to your caloric intake. It takes 3,500 extra burned calories to lose one pound. As a rule, aim to lose 1.5 to 2 pounds per week, which is a healthy pace for weight loss. Never dip below 1500 calories a day unless otherwise instructed by your physician.

The best way to rev up your weight loss is by adding a workout to your routine. If you are inactive, try walking around your neighborhood for 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a week. Then, try adding a day after a few weeks. Before you know it, you will have increased strength and stamina, and you'll be able to walk for hours before feeling fatigued.

If you already have a workout routine, be sure to include both strength training and cardio for optimum results. Weight loss happens fastest when you build muscle tissue because muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat. So, all your extra muscle will work day and night to burn off your excess calories, thereby boosting your metabolism.

If you have hit a plateau in your weight loss, keep up your hard work. No plateau can last forever. Be sure to get at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, and watch your sodium intake. You might be retaining water from salty foods like soup, which are often low in calories but full of salt. Change up your exercise activities to keep your body from getting used to the same old routine.

If you are interested in weight loss and want to know how to lose weight fast, it's a simple as basic math. Burn more calories than you eat, and you'll be well on your way to a slim, trim new you.

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